Looking for the Perfect Office Chair?

Super simple advice from a posture coach

Lauren Hill
Body Wisdom
Published in
7 min readFeb 3, 2021


Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

Has your persistent low back pain, neck and shoulder tension sent you on the search for the perfect office chair? And has that search begun to feel like the search for the Holy Grail? You’re not alone.

I’m a posture and movement coach trained in the Alexander Technique. A lot of my students suffer from back, neck, and shoulder pain often related to extended computer and other tech use. This isn’t so surprising given the huge percentage of people who go to the doctor complaining of musculoskeletal pain nowadays. The World Health Organization currently sites musculoskeletal pain as the leading contributor to disability worldwide.

I often get asked for advice on office chairs. Or my thoughts on sitting versus standing desks. Certainly, your set up is important. And is a good place to start. But even the best chair and set up will not solve all your body aches and pains.

My number one piece of advice is always the same. It can be implemented right now, no matter what type of set up you currently have. And it’s very simple.

Some years ago I had an email exchange with a former student of mine. It started with him asking for my thoughts on a new office chair from my Alexander Technique perspective. I went to the…



Lauren Hill
Body Wisdom

I’m a posture and movement coach trained in the Alexander Technique. You can also find me at LessEffortMoreEase.com